How to Play Ring of Fire Drinking Game

How to Play Ring of Fire Drinking Game

Ring of Fire is a famous drinking game played with a deck of cards. The game is also known by many other names, such as Kings, Circle of Death, and Waterfall. The target of the game is to have some good times and become inebriated with your friends. How to Play Ring of Fire Drinking Game The game can be played with quite a few players, but it is best enjoyed with a group of 4 or more.

What You’ll Need

Ring of Fire is a tomfoolery and energizing drinking game that can be delighted in with friends. To play the game, you will need a deck of cards, alcoholic beverages of your choice, and a cup or shot glass. The game is played by sitting in a circle around the cup and spreading out the deck of cards face-down to the best gaming zone in a circle around it.